Meet the newest addition in our family!!! That's Abby (on the left) and her 'big' brother, Alfie. He belongs to one of my dearest friends. Can you believe the difference in size?! She weighs about 2 pounds & he looks 3 times as big, but only in size, not weight. They love playing together! They don't get to that often, but when they do, it's hilarious. It took me forever to get a picture of them both looking at me!
I tried to post yesterday, but I went to highlight my post so I could change the font & the color & dear little Mason came up and hit the keyboard, erasing EVERYTHING I had written. I was so mad. Doesn't blogger have something to fix "UNDO!" They should add it somewhere!
Things are better with Shelby, a little. She apologized to Eric and me Sunday night. She called her dad to see if he could come over because "an apology means more in person." I had to do a double take & wonder where in the world my daughter had gone b/c this was not something she said! Her attitude is a little better, but it has to be b/c she has no "cool" clothes to wear. She has to earn them back, along with everything else in her room!! She has a bed & a dresser & that's it! I didn't go as drastic as the last time - I took her curtains down!!! (I was mad, ok?!)
She likes this junior now. I emailed a friend of mine who's son runs around with this boy & she "highly" recommended him. He's a 4.0 student, attends church, but goes to youth at a different church, wants to be an engineer, wonderful kid with great parents. OK, I'm happy with this one!! I've never met him & have no clue what he looks like. But at least he's a positive influence (in those areas) to my daughter. Honestly, I can't wait to meet him & I can't wait to hear if he likes her! :)
O Lord, may Shelby walk before you faithfully and with wholehearted devotion and do what is good in your eyes.