When Godly People Do Ungodly Things...
by Beth Moore...
I had to share this with you...it's something in my workbook from a bible study I've been doing (title). Monday night was our last week...
Pursue and practice the sincere and sanctified life in the world.
This means behaving consistently whether we're in the world or in church. Believers experience much guilt from practicing the chameleon life of environmental adaptation. We only find relief when we ask God to invade our life and personality so fully that we become the same person at the shopping mall or restaurant that we are in church.
Stated another way, something is wrong if our coworkers would be shocked to learn that we go to church. Most believers don't work in environments where preaching to coworkers is part of their job description, but would coworkers find our behavior inconsistent with our professed belief system at church? Consistency is a tremendous relief and a vital component in a clean conscience.
The reason I write this is because I was once like this - 2 different people. I am slowly, but surely getting there. It has been a long road for me, but God is getting me where I need to be spiritually - for myself, my children & my husband. It's amazing watching (learning) the process. I hope that each of you that read this will allow it to sink in....then ask yourself the question "Do I behave consistantly in the world as I do in church?" If you do not attend church ask yourself this - would your friends by surprised to know that you pray daily?
On another note...here's the scrapbook box I made. I ended up doing it for Shelby and her friends. It's really cute in person! It's a 4.5x.4.5 box (with lid) that has white paper (covered in prints and solids) that zig zag into the box! I bought the box at WM for 67 cents and added everything to it myself!
You are so lucky to be crafty!
What a great post and a good reminder!
You know what I love about your posts Michelle? I can totally tell, 100%, that you are just a real woman like me. Your life is not perfect and you don't in any way try to show the world that it is. You see God can USE that. When we don't let pride build up and get the best of us, he can show us so much more. You are past a lot of what many people still struggle with as Christians. I love your thoughts and how you mix it up with your daily life and all the goings on in your life. What a sweet and fun spirit you have. Girl, you are talented too! I am not crafty at all and so admire those that are!
mighty minnie: thank you very much! i get that from my aunt! :)
gwen: thanks! sometimes we all need to be reminded to act like Christians. how our kids see us is how they will treat their children.
amanda: i dont know what to say. i love reading your blog and i love it when you post on mine. pride is something i let go of a long time ago ... and it has done nothing but make my life better! :)
I too am a scrapbooker and I am totally diggin' the cute box! You have a beautiful family and I love the fact the you write with such honestly.
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